Yucca Rostrata


The Beaked yucca, an elegant member of the yucca family, boasts a solitary trunk and a dense canopy of foliage, reaching heights of 6-15 ft. Occasionally, mature specimens may develop two or more heads. Its rigid blue-green leaves, spanning 2 ft. in length, gracefully arch downwards, collectively forming a sizable circular canopy. These leaves persist on the trunk for many years unless pruned. In early spring, this yucca species produces striking clusters of creamy-white flowers on stalks measuring 2-3 ft. in length, rising well above the foliage.

Originating from the Chihuahuan desert regions of Mexico and certain parts of western Texas, the Beaked yucca thrives in harsh conditions, enduring high temperatures, arid climates, intense sunlight, and temperatures as low as 10°F. Known for its distinctive foliage and vibrant flower clusters, it is a sought-after choice for accentuating southwestern and Mediterranean-style gardens in the Inland Empire. Often planted alongside other cacti and succulents, it lends its beauty to raised planters and rocky landscapes alike.

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